Notifications - Claim Race

Our Current Race Information

  • Race Name
    Winter Fun Run Series - Abington
  • Race Dates
    Dec 1, 2024 - Sunday
    Dec 8, 2024 - Sunday
    Dec 15, 2024 - Sunday
    Dec 22, 2024 - Sunday
    Jan 5, 2025 - Sunday
    Jan 12, 2025 - Sunday
    Jan 14, 2025 - Tuesday
    Jan 19, 2025 - Sunday
    Jan 26, 2025 - Sunday
  • Events
    4M, 2M run
  • City
    Abington, MA
  • Directory Status
    This Race appears in our directories.

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Confirm Claim

  • A claimed listing is one that you are a contact for. We will email you when we update the listing, or if we have questions or concerns.
  • Email Address
    Authorization Code
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