Contact Us

Do Not Contact Us For the Following:

  • Questions about a race in our directory
    We are not associated with the races in our directory. We don't know if you are registered, what streets will be closed, or what shirt size you requested. You need to contact the race.
  • Requesting a copy of our data
    That would be like going into a restaurant, and asking them for all of their recipes. We do not give that out.
  • Requesting to be added to our directory
    Click the link in the blue menu bar on EVERY page that says "Submit a Race or Club"

Feel Free to Contact Us For the Following:

  • Reporting a website problem
    If something is not working quite the way you expect, please email us and let us know. It could be a bug, it could be that something needs more clarification. We are happy to help.
  • Reporting incorrect directory information
    We try to stay on top of things, but we don't always know when races reschedule, relocate, cancel, get a new website, add a distance, etc. You can submit an update to any listing, or you can email us and let us know.
  • Requesting a New Feature
    Many of the features on our site have been requests from visitors. We can't do them all, but we'd love to hear from you. Email us and let us know your idea.
  • Constructive Criticism
    If there is something specific that you do not like, and you can respectfully let us know, please feel free to Email us.

    But if you simply hate everything, want to call us names, scold us, make threats, and/or demand we fire people, then we are probably not a good fit for your needs.
  • Any Other Website Issue

No Phone Calls Please

We do everything through email. That way we have a record of the correspondence and know who said what when and how. Our furry little brains can't remember phone conversations.