Pairs of September Variety Runs in different states up to 250 miles between cities on consecutive days - Double Stater

Pairs of September Variety Runs in different states up to 250 miles between cities on consecutive days
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100 250 500
1 2 3
100 miles point to point between cities
Pump N Run
Penn Hills Labor Day 5K and Donut Dash
240 miles point to point between cities
Spartan Trifecta World Championship
Patriots Triathlon
47 miles point to point between cities
Los Runners End of Summer Beer Mile
Run for North Caldwell
120 miles point to point between cities
Los Runners End of Summer Beer Mile
Great Mud Escape
165 miles point to point between cities
Los Runners End of Summer Beer Mile
Fusion Beer Mile
176 miles point to point between cities
Los Runners End of Summer Beer Mile
Thunder Run 5K Obstacle Race
185 miles point to point between cities
Los Runners End of Summer Beer Mile
Savage Race - Maryland Fall
191 miles point to point between cities
Los Runners End of Summer Beer Mile
Patriot 5K Color Run
191 miles point to point between cities
Brightside Beer Mile
Drew's Crew Colorfest Run
55 miles point to point between cities
Fusion Beer Mile
Your First Mud Run - Wildwood

Notes About Double Stater Search

The distance shown is the point to point distance between the cities. Actual driving distance will be longer.

Date Range criteria is applied to at least one of the races in the pair. The other race could be outside the specified date range.

The Selected Region is applied to at least one of the races in the pair. The other race could be outside the specified region.

The Selected State is applied to only 1 of the races in the pair. The other race will not be in the specified state.

If a race starts and ends in different cities, the Start City is used for this search.

For the love of all that is good and moisture wicking...

Though we try to be accurate and on top of things... Race details can change when we aren't lookin. And once in a while we simply make a mistake.

ALWAYS visit the race's website for the most complete and accurate race information.